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  • Danke, Demian!

    Und: Hat jemand weitere Informationen dazu?

    Übrigens wird in den Zeitungen hier in Schweden heute berichtet, daß das bisherige Freigangsverbot für Geflügel gestern aufgehoben wurde - mit Ausnahme von größeren Bestände, was eigentlich inkonsequent ist. Aber es heißt, die Vogelgrippegefahr sei jetzt kleiner geworden. Unzweifelhaft ein Ergebnis vor Allem von euere Aufklärungsaktionen in Deutschland, die auch international gewirkt haben. Aber sicherlich werden später Meldungen kommen: "Jetzt tatsächlich große Pandemie-Gefahr!". In Uruguay z.B. ist meines Wissens eine große Impf-Kampagne beschloßen worden - vielleicht kommt später was von dort.

    Rolf M.

  • Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Informationen, Dateien

    In Le Monde vom 11.05,1-0@2-3244,36-770575@51-746222,0.html

    wird berichtet:

    "Essais prometteurs d'un vaccin protégeant l'homme du H5N1"

    Also "vielversprechende Versuche" mit "Anti-H5N1-Impstoff"

    Bisher nur auf "Freiwillige" im Alter von 18 bis 40 Jahre.

    Es heißt:

    "Quelques effets secondaires sans gravité ont alors été observés au niveau du site d'injection. De la fièvre, des maux de tête ou des douleurs musculaires se sont également manifestés."

    "Einige nicht ernste Nebenwirkungen: Fieber, Kopfschmerzen oder Muschelschmerzen."

    Jetzt werden Tests unternommen, um die Wirkung des Impstoffs auf Älteren und auf Kinder festzusellen, heißt es weiter:

    "De nouveaux essais cliniques sont en cours pour évaluer chez des personnes âgées et des enfants l'efficacité de préparations vaccinales qui vont d'ores et déjà être produites "à l'échelle industrielle dans des conditions identiques à celles qui prévaudraient en cas de pandémie déclarée".

    Also u.a. Kinderversuche.

    En wirklich schweres Verbrechen. Dagegen muß man überall protestieren! Und die Sache breitestsmöglich bekannt machen.

    Rolf M.
    Malmö, Schweden

  • Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    In Le Monde vom 11.05,1-0@2-3244,36-770575@51-746222,0.html

    wird berichtet:

    "Essais prometteurs d'un vaccin protégeant l'homme du H5N1"

    Also "vielversprechende Versuche" mit "Anti-H5N1-Impstoff"

    Bisher nur auf "Freiwillige" im Alter von 18 bis 40 Jahre.

    Es heißt:

    "Quelques effets secondaires sans gravité ont alors été observés au niveau du site d'injection. De la fièvre, des maux de tête ou des douleurs musculaires se sont également manifestés."

    "Einige nicht ernste Nebenwirkungen: Fieber, Kopfschmerzen oder Muschelschmerzen."

    Jetzt werden Tests unternommen, um die Wirkung des Impstoffs auf Älteren und auf Kinder festzusellen, heißt es weiter:

    "De nouveaux essais cliniques sont en cours pour évaluer chez des personnes âgées et des enfants l'efficacité de préparations vaccinales qui vont d'ores et déjà être produites "à l'échelle industrielle dans des conditions identiques à celles qui prévaudraient en cas de pandémie déclarée".

    Also u.a. Kinderversuche.

    En wirklich schweres Verbrechen. Dagegen muß man überall protestieren! Und die Sache breitestsmöglich bekannt machen.

    Rolf M.
    Malmö, Schweden

  • Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Also für das Erwachen der Leute dort. Ein Erfolg in der entgegengesetzten Richtung zu der Beabsichtigten. Eine Meldung von mir dazu, auch an Newsgroups usw. geschickt: ABC's "bird flu" movie a success!

    At my homepage I've added today, under "News with brief

    Friday, 12 May 2006 (NWBC 164) ABC's "bird flu" movie a

    2006-05-12, 00:43 GMT:

    For waking people up, that is. A success in the opposite
    direction of that intended.

    For the facts on "bird flu", see my "UNITE! Infos" #251en,
    #252en and #256en, and on that movie shown on TV in the USA
    on 9 May, see also NWBC 161, of 05.05.

    And another writer, Jack Allis, wrote on 04.05:


    Fiction More Hideous Than Truth
    A Slap in the Face to the American People

    I have not seen this movie, and all I know about it is what I
    saw on the promos during the NBA playoffs last weekend. But
    on the basis of that, I can safely say that never has network
    television sunk to such sleazy, reprehensible and wicked
    depths. It's abundantly clear what kind of a picture is going
    to be painted here. It's the same catastrophizing and fear
    mongering, without any regard for the facts, which we see in
    the headlines of the mainstream news on a regular basis. The
    promos even made the claim that this movie was "ahead of the
    headlines," or words to that affect, virtually bragging about
    foretelling what's in store for the poor American people.
    Other things that jumped out and grabbed you were a reference
    to 20-million people dying, a shortage of vaccine, the fact
    that there was nothing that could be done to stop it, and one
    of the characters saying, "We're all going to die."

    Never has the blurring of the lines between truth and fiction
    been more glaringly obvious. Never has the pure propaganda
    motive of a TV drama and the attempt to brainwash the
    American people more transparent. People are waking up in
    droves to the fact the mainstream media and the government
    are owned and controlled by the international power brokers
    who rule the world, including the international banking
    establishment, the multi-national corporations, and very
    importantly, the international pharmaceutical industry. And
    here it is being played out in broad daylight, right before
    our eyes: the mainstream media being used to promote the
    agenda of these power brokers. ... "


    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Hallo Leute,

    Während es ja im Moment hier in Europa verhältnismäß "ruhig am Westvogelgrippenfront" zu sein scheint (auf jeden Fall in den Medien), wird offensichlich vorbereitet, "Der sterbende Schwan" bzw "Die sterbende Ente" am kommenden Dienstag ganz groß auf der US-Fernsehbühne (ABC) aufzuführen. Sicherlich kommt das auch bei uns bald wieder. Hier eine Meldung von mir dazu, auch an eine Reihe von Newsgroups usw. geschickt, mit einigen Zeilen auch über das Erscheinen des wichtigen Buchs "Die Vogelgrippe". "Bird flu" to hit US TV screens 9 May

    At my homepage I've added today, under "News with brief

    Friday, 05 May 2006 (NWBC 161) "Bird flu" to hit US TV
    screens 9 May

    2006-05-05, 07:04 GMT:

    According to ABC News on 28.04:


    "Bird Flu Hitting TV Screens May 9

    WASHINGTON Apr 28, 2006 (AP)— Bodies piling up so quickly it
    takes dump trucks to haul them away. Barbed wire to keep
    whole neighborhoods quarantined. It's Hollywood's version of
    bird flu, a blur of fact and fiction that some scientists say
    could confuse the public.

    "Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America," an ABC made-for-
    television movie, airs May 9, just as scientists are to begin
    testing of wild birds in Alaska that could herald the arrival
    of bird flu in North America. ..."

    The big international propaganda scam about an imaginary
    "contagious bird flu" whose imaginary "virus H5N1" "might/
    could/will mutate into an even more dangerous one for humans,
    creating a pandemic", is a terror attack, under preparation
    since at least 1999, by the US and other imperialist ex-
    ploiters, oppressors and mass murderers, using such institu-
    tions of theirs as the EIS ("the CIA of medicine") and the
    CDC (both directly under the command of the Pentagon) and
    also the WHO, with the intention of preparing for campaigns
    of mass "medication" and vaccination, which would actually
    harm and also kill people, campaigns which everybody needs to
    be warned against and to resist.

    The reason for this terror attack, big in the media during
    several months recently and at present "seemingly forgotten"
    at least here in Europe only because the facts about it have
    become publicly exposed - but it will no doubt soon appear
    again here too - is that the ruling reactionaries more and
    more are fearing the resistance against them by the people

    In the USA too, where the reactionaries are preparing this TV
    hullabaloo for next Tuesday, 09.05, for instance, there are
    also at least some small forces who are endeavouring to
    expose this scam.

    Internationally, the main and the scientifically most precise
    exposure of the "bird flu" terror hoax has come from Germany,
    a country which also seems to be a particular target for it.
    Se for instance my "UNITE! Infos" #251en, #252en and #256en,
    and also several earlier "News with brief comments" items.

    Recently, an important book has been published in Germany
    with further information on this subject: "Die Vogelgrippe
    - Der Krieg der USA gegen die Menschheit" ("The Bird Flu
    - The War of the USA against Humanity"), by Stefan Lanka,
    Hans-Ulrich Niemitz, Veronika Widmer and Karl Krafeld
    - ISBN 3-937342-15-X. It can be ordered from the klein-klein-
    verlag. I've acquired copies and intend to write a resumé of
    it later.



    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Informationen, Dateien

    Hallo Leute,

    Während es ja im Moment hier in Europa verhältnismäß "ruhig am Westvogelgrippenfront" zu sein scheint (auf jeden Fall in den Medien), wird offensichlich vorbereitet, "Der sterbende Schwan" bzw "Die sterbende Ente" am kommenden Dienstag ganz groß auf der US-Fernsehbühne (ABC) aufzuführen. Sicherlich kommt das auch bei uns bald wieder. Hier eine Meldung von mir dazu, auch an eine Reihe von Newsgroups usw. geschickt, mit einigen Zeilen auch über das Erscheinen des wichtigen Buchs "Die Vogelgrippe". "Bird flu" to hit US TV screens 9 May

    At my homepage I've added today, under "News with brief

    Friday, 05 May 2006 (NWBC 161) "Bird flu" to hit US TV
    screens 9 May

    2006-05-05, 07:04 GMT:

    According to ABC News on 28.04:


    "Bird Flu Hitting TV Screens May 9

    WASHINGTON Apr 28, 2006 (AP)— Bodies piling up so quickly it
    takes dump trucks to haul them away. Barbed wire to keep
    whole neighborhoods quarantined. It's Hollywood's version of
    bird flu, a blur of fact and fiction that some scientists say
    could confuse the public.

    "Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America," an ABC made-for-
    television movie, airs May 9, just as scientists are to begin
    testing of wild birds in Alaska that could herald the arrival
    of bird flu in North America. ..."

    The big international propaganda scam about an imaginary
    "contagious bird flu" whose imaginary "virus H5N1" "might/
    could/will mutate into an even more dangerous one for humans,
    creating a pandemic", is a terror attack, under preparation
    since at least 1999, by the US and other imperialist ex-
    ploiters, oppressors and mass murderers, using such institu-
    tions of theirs as the EIS ("the CIA of medicine") and the
    CDC (both directly under the command of the Pentagon) and
    also the WHO, with the intention of preparing for campaigns
    of mass "medication" and vaccination, which would actually
    harm and also kill people, campaigns which everybody needs to
    be warned against and to resist.

    The reason for this terror attack, big in the media during
    several months recently and at present "seemingly forgotten"
    at least here in Europe only because the facts about it have
    become publicly exposed - but it will no doubt soon appear
    again here too - is that the ruling reactionaries more and
    more are fearing the resistance against them by the people

    In the USA too, where the reactionaries are preparing this TV
    hullabaloo for next Tuesday, 09.05, for instance, there are
    also at least some small forces who are endeavouring to
    expose this scam.

    Internationally, the main and the scientifically most precise
    exposure of the "bird flu" terror hoax has come from Germany,
    a country which also seems to be a particular target for it.
    Se for instance my "UNITE! Infos" #251en, #252en and #256en,
    and also several earlier "News with brief comments" items.

    Recently, an important book has been published in Germany
    with further information on this subject: "Die Vogelgrippe
    - Der Krieg der USA gegen die Menschheit" ("The Bird Flu
    - The War of the USA against Humanity"), by Stefan Lanka,
    Hans-Ulrich Niemitz, Veronika Widmer and Karl Krafeld
    - ISBN 3-937342-15-X. It can be ordered from the klein-klein-
    verlag. I've acquired copies and intend to write a resumé of
    it later.



    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • Eine gute Petition!

    Ich wollte soeben mitunterzeichnen (hoffenlich möglich auch für mich z.B.), aber er war aus technischen Gründen unerreichbar, hieß es. Kommt wohl bald wieder?

    Rolf M.
    Malmö, Schweden
    (wo in meinen "UNITE! Infos" #251en, #252en und #256en
    auf die Vogelgrippe-Kampagne eingegangen wird, mit
    einigen Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen als wichtigen
    Teile; in Info #257en bezeichne ich das "Iran-Krieg"-Gerede
    als Ablenkung u.a. von dieser internationalen Kampagne
    bezweckend - und auf Schwedisch ist sie übrigens auch eine
    Ente - "anka"; siehe einige Meldungen von mir vom 01.03
    und 15.04 in der Homepage-Sektion "News with brief comments":
    "Fågelflunse-ankan har landat!" bwz "Fågelflunse-ankan har
    blivit fetare!")

  • KarikaturenDatum13.04.2006 15:05
    Foren-Beitrag von Rolf M. im Thema Karikaturen

    Sehr nette Karikaturen!

    Habe soeben alle bei mir gespeichert.

    Propagandistisch ganz wirksame Dinge, glaube ich. Wann macht ihr (jemand) Versionen davon mit Texte auf Englisch (usw)? So was muß ein enormes "Absatzmarkt" haben, und wichtig, daß die Deutschsprachigen (wie viele sind sie - 100 Mio oder höchstens 150 Mio, < 2% der Weltbevölkerung oder so) auf diesem Gebiet nicht "virenisoliert" beiben. Hoffentlich haben einige bei euch Möglichkeit und Zeit, auch welche solche Exportprodukte herzustellen!

    Rolf M.
    Malmö, Schweden

  • Lanka-Artikel 01.03 jetzt auf EnglischDatum12.04.2006 08:12
    Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Hallo Leute,

    Ich habe den Artikel von Stefan Lanka am 01.03.2006: "Gibt es und kann es krankmachende Viren geben" ins Englische übersetzt und auf meine Homepage gebracht, als Teil meines 'UNITE! Info #256en: Another tool against the "bird flu" scam", von gestern, Adresse:

    und die Übersetzung auch separat auf

    Mein Info #256en, auch an Newsgroups usw. geschickt, enthält einen Kommentar von mir mit einer Theorie über den politischen Hintergrund zur Vogelgrippe-Kampagne.

    Die besonders gute Dinge der 'klein-klein-aktion" sollten unbedingt auch (zumindestens) auf Englisch erscheinen, meine ich.

    Mir hat es spaß gemacht, auch diesen Artikel zu übersetzen (hoffentlich einigermaßen OK); ich habe dabei auch viel gelernt und habe u.a. ein gutes Internet-Wörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch und Englisch-Deutsch verwendet, das ich gefunden habe:

    Ich will aber auch vorschlagen, daß ihr in der 'klein-klein-aktion' selber jemanden oder einige Leute daran setzt, euere Dinge (mindestens) ins Englische systematisch zu übersetzen. Ihr könnt das auch viel besser machen als ich, und so was wird eigentlich dringend gebraucht!

    Beste grüße,

    Rolf M.
    Malmö, Schweden

  • 1. April: Rettung jetzt durch Pferde!Datum01.04.2006 17:22
    Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Hallo Leute,

    Auf der "Vaccinations" Briefliste hat Sue berichtet, daß sie sich nunmehr sehr beruhigt befinde, da ja laut den allerletzten Erkenntnissen der ultramodernsten Vogelgrippe-Superwissenschaft Antikörper, die aus Pferde stammen, die Mäuse gegen diese schreckliche Vogelseuche schützt! Ich konnte natürlich nur zustimmen. Hier ist eine Meldung von mir (auf Englisch) darüber:

    For 1 April: A new twist in the "bird flu" hoax propaganda

    At my homepage I've added today, under
    "News with brief comments":

    Saturday, 01 April 2006 (NWBC 141) Suitable for 1 April: A
    new twist in the "bird flu" hoax propaganda

    2006-04-01, 11:17 GMT:

    To the Vaccinations mailing list (which I joined a few weeks
    ago), wrote, Fri, 31 Mar 2006
    21:30:05 +0800, subject "Horse Antibodies Against The Bird
    Flu Virus H5N1 Are Effective As Treatment In Mice":


    "Right, everyone off to the stables....!! I am sooooo
    reassured by the fact that antibodies produced by HORSES
    protect MICE against BIRD flu.

    What is this stupid world coming to....?"

    I'm replying now, at the Vaccinations list,


    Hello Sue,

    I'm very reassured too! At least we can't complain that the
    ruling persons in the world today aren't sometimes being
    quite funny! In addition to stupid, I mean. (I'm quoting the
    rest of your posting further below.)

    This "new discovery" of theirs is a new twist - pretty ridi-
    culous too, at least to us who know the basic facts about
    this thing - in their big attempt to make people believe that
    there actually is "a contagious bird flu", that there
    actually is a "virus H5N1", so that "hopefully", they can get
    people to accept some mass vaccinations "against" this
    phantom "virus". As you oldtimers at the Vaccinations list
    have known about such things since long, this precisely would
    cause serious harm to ordinary people - which is what those
    ruling persons actually want, in this case.

    As explained also in detail by the German virologist Stefan
    Lanka in an interview on 27.10.2005, reproduced in English in
    "UNITE! Info #251en" at my homepage (and there are some
    excerpts from it at some other websites):


    "...Those side effects which are noted on the instruction
    slips accompanying packages of Tamiflu are almost identical
    to the symptoms of a serious influenza. On a large scale,
    thus, medicines are now being stored which cause precisely
    the same symptoms as those which appear in an actual so-
    called influenza - and which will discontinue, with a doctor,
    after seven days, and without a doctor after a week.

    If Tamiflu is administered to sick persons, then this is
    likely to cause far more serious symptoms than those of a
    serious influenza. If a pandemic is stated to exist, then
    many people will take this medicine at the same time. In that
    case we will actually have unequivocal symptoms of a Tamiflu
    epidemic. Then also deaths caused by Tamiflu are to be
    expected, and this will then be presented as evidence of the
    dangerous nature of the bird flu and evidence of how anxious
    is the state that people should be in good health. ..."

    So, if they do get people, in one or several regions or
    countries, to accept mass vaccinations, or accept mass
    "medication" with Tamiflu, then they'll say: "April's Fool!
    - Now we do have that H5N1 pandemic which we told you about
    to begin with! So you'll just have to accept even more
    vaccinations, even more 'medication'!"

    I recently read somewhere that in one country at least, in
    Uruguay, there is a danger that the authorities will soon
    enforce such mass vaccinations - if so, fooled into this by
    the ruling persons in the USA etc and by the WHO - and have
    tried to warn against this by sending a certain "News with
    brief comments" item, No. 133 (of 27.03), at my homepage to
    several Usenet newsgroups and to other addresses.

    At worst, there in a few weeks' time will be reports of a
    (purported) "bird flu pandemic" "having begun in Uruguay".
    Let's hope that this will not occur. It seems that the ruling
    persons won't dare to realize their mass "anti-H5N1" vaccina-
    tion schemes here in Europe or in the USA, at least - "too
    many" there probably already "know too much" about this scam
    of theirs with the intent of mass murder.

    Here's the rest of your posting, the part in which you
    quoted that stupid "report" about the fantastic "horse-mice-
    bird" "discovery":


    Horse Antibodies Against The Bird Flu Virus H5N1 Are
    Effective As Treatment In Mice

    Antibodies against the bird flu virus H5N1, derived from
    horses, prevent mice infected with H5N1 from dying from the
    virus. A study published in the open access journal Respira-
    tory Research ( reveals that
    a dose of 100 µg of horse anti-serum effectively protects
    infected mice. These results suggest that anti-H5N1 anti-
    bodies developed in horses could potentially be used to
    prevent death from H5N1 influenza, or as early treatment for
    the disease, in humans.

    Jiahai Lu from Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China and
    colleagues from other institutions in China infected dog
    kidney cells in vitro with a lethal dose of H5N1 and simul-
    taneously exposed the cells to horse antibodies against H5N1.
    Lu et al.'s results show that horse antibodies to H5N1
    protected cells against H5N1 in vitro – the cells simulta-
    neously infected with H5N1 and exposed to horse antibodies
    did not die.

    Lu et al. then injected horse antibodies into 40 mice that
    had been infected with a lethal dose of H5N1 24 hours
    earlier. The authors also injected horse serum without H5N1
    antibodies into a group of mice that acted as controls.

    The authors found that 50µg of antibody protected 70% of the
    mice against death by H5N1 and 100 µg of antibody protected
    100% of the mice. The mice in the control group died nine
    hours after receiving the normal horse serum."

    Happy 1 April to everybody (except some very few, you know

    Rolf M.



    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • GEFAHR: Uruguay plant ImpfenDatum22.03.2006 00:27
    Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Ich habe soeben die folgende Meldung auf Englisch an eine Reihe von Adressen geachickt.

    US/WHO killers trick Uruguay into "anti-H5N1 vacc." poisoning

    At my homepage I've added today, under
    "News with brief comments":

    Tuesday, 21 March 2006 (NWBC 133) DANGER: US/WHO killers
    trick Uruguay into "anti-H5N1 vaccinations" poisoning

    2006-03-21, 22:30 GMT:

    According to Prensa Latina today,


    "Uruguay will start *an anti-avian flu vaccine campaign* as
    soon as the country receives the first 400,000 doses by late
    March, the Public Health Ministry (MSP) reported Tuesday.

    According to sector authorities, the first ones to be
    vaccinated will be *children between eight months and two
    years old*, then *people older than 65 years* and *those
    suffering any chronic respiratory disease*, and finally those
    working on poultry farms, states the World Health
    Organization (WHO)." [Emphasis added here]

    But such vaccination, mass vaccination even, is precisely
    what must NOT be done.

    There is NO "bird flu virus", NO "H5N1". The massive propa-
    ganda about this, by the US imperialists above all, by the
    other imperialists too and by the WHO and the media under
    their control is intended, in their desperate situation of
    being opposed more and more by the people everywhere, to
    create fear and, "hopefully", mass vaccinations "against"
    that non-existent "virus", which can only cause poisonings
    and, in the case of persons already ill, even deaths, which
    they will then pretend "were caused by H5N1" and take as
    "showing" that "there is now a pandemic" and that "thus, even
    more vaccinations" - that is, more killings - "are needed".

    Quite in particular, vaccinations of people SUFFERING ANY
    CHRONIC RESPIRATORY DISEASE risks causing many deaths.

    A big problem and danger here is the fact that scientific
    knowledge about these matters is not very widespread among
    people in general, and in some countries perhaps is practi-
    cally non-existent. With this message, I'm trying to contri-
    bute towards warning people in Uruguay and in other coun-
    tries, including persons with political influence who do not
    want to become accessories to mass murder.

    Refutations of the imperialists' "bird flu" hoax and expla-
    nations of the basic facts on this do exist. The best are in
    an interview on 27.10.2005 with the German virologist Stefan
    Lanka. An English translation of this is at my homepage, in
    "UNITE! Info #251en". In the below, I shall repeat some ex-
    cerpts from it which I believe contain particularly important



    IS THERE, THEN, no bird flu at all?

    Since the late 19th century, diseases of poultry in mass
    animal farming have been observed: Bluecolouring of the
    crest, decrease in egglaying performance, sagging of the
    feathers, and sometimes these animals die too. These diseases
    were called bird pest.

    In present-day mass poultry farming, in particular when hens
    are being raised in cages, many animals die each day as a
    result of species-alien animal farming. Later, these conse-
    quences of the mass animal farming were no longer called bird
    pest, but bird flu. Since decades back, we are experiencing
    that a transferable virus is being maintained as the cause of
    this, in order to deflect from the actual causes.

    THEN THOSE 100 MILLION hens which appear to have died from
    bird flu in reality have died from stress or and/or from
    nourishment deficiency and poisoning?

    No! If one hen lies fewer eggs or gets a blue crest and that
    hen is tested H5N1-positive too, then all the other hens are
    gassed. That is how there got to be those 100 million appa-
    rently H5N1-killed hens.

    OF WHAT DID THOSE 61 PERSONS DIE who were demonstrated to
    have H5N1?

    There is only very little in the way of publicly available
    reports, describing what were the symptoms and how these
    persons were then treated. These cases clearly point in one
    direction: Persons with symptoms of a cold, who then had the
    bad luck to fall into the hands of H5N1 hunters, were killed
    with enormous amounts of chemotherapy supposed to restrain
    the phantom virus. Isolated in plastic tents, surrounded by
    madmen in space suits, they died, in panicky fear, from
    multiple organ failures.

    DOES THEN THE SUBSTANCE TAMIFLU, which is now being purchased
    with tax money and stocked, protect people from the bird flu?

    That this substance protects against a flu nobody is main-

    Tamiflu is supposed to function as a neuraminidase-re-
    straining agent. It restrains in an organism the function of
    the sugar neuraminidase acid, which is co-responsible for the
    surface tension in the cells.

    Those side effects which are noted on the instruction slips
    accompanying packages of Tamiflu are almost identical to the
    symptoms of a serious influenza. On a large scale, thus,
    medicines are now being stored which cause precisely the same
    symptoms as those which appear in an actual so-called influ-
    enza - and which will discontinue, with a doctor, after seven
    days, and without a doctor after a week.

    If Tamiflu is administered to sick persons, then this is
    likely to cause far more serious symptoms than those of a
    serious influenza. If a pandemic is stated to exist, then
    many people will take this medicine at the same time. In that
    case we will actually have unequivocal symptoms of a Tamiflu
    epidemic. Then also deaths caused by Tamiflu are to be expec-
    ted, and this will then be presented as evidence of the
    dangerous nature of the bird flu and evidence of how anxious
    is the state that people should be in good health.

    In this, the well-tested AIDS pattern is being repeated. In
    Spain it's noted on the instruction slips accompanying
    packages of AIDS medicine that it is not known whether the
    symptoms are caused by the medicine or by the virus.

    THEN YOU WILL ALSO NOT RECOMMEND any general vaccination or
    the specially developed vaccination against the bird flu?

    I am not recommending any madness.

    Every vaccination substance contains poisonous substances
    which have effects during a long time resulting in smaller or
    larger permanent injury. The infection protection law re-
    quires, as necessary precondition for a vaccination's being
    justified, the "is", the fact of there existing something
    which causes a disease, for instance a virus.

    Since none of the so-called diseasecausing viruses can be,
    nor should be, maintained to exist, there can also be no
    lawful vaccinations against influenza, and none against bird
    flu either.


    There are some other articles too which demonstrate that the
    "bird flu" propaganda is a hoax with very bad intentions
    behind it, for instance two by Jon Rappport, the USA, on
    17.01 respectively 19.01 of this year. Further statements (in
    translation) on this question by Stefan Lanka and another
    German expert, and an attempt by me to analyze its political
    background and context, readers can find in my Info #252en.



    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • Stefan Lanka 3-mal in den USA zitiertDatum21.03.2006 12:26
    Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Das Interview am 27.10.2005 zur "Vogelgrippe" usw. also; 3 US-basierte Websites haben 24.02 bzw. 12.03 Auszüge meiner englischen Übersetzung davon gebracht. Darüber folgt hier eine Meldung von mir auf Englisch, mit nur einem Bischen "Sich-ans-Brust-klopfen" meinerseits wegen dieser Übersetzung und auch mit einem kurzen Hinweis auf eine Doppelaufführung des Balletts "Der sterbende Schwan", die gestern in Stockholm stattfand.

    Stefan Lanka quoted in the USA on the "bird flu" terror hoax

    At my homepage I've added today, under
    "News with brief comments":

    Tuesday, 21 March 2006 (NWBC 132) Stefan Lanka quoted in the
    USA on the "bird flu" terror hoax

    2006-03-21, 09:46 GMT:

    On 27.10.2005, the German Internet newspaper FAKTuell pub-
    lished an interview with the virologist Stefan Lanka, in which
    he refuted in detail the now still ongoing international pro-
    paganda by the imperialists, in particular the US imperia-
    lists, intended to cause fear and "hopefully" even mass murder
    by fantasizing that there is "a bird flu virus" which is
    "spreading" around the world and which "might even mutate" so
    that people "perhaps" might "have to" be ordered to take some
    purported "medicines" on a large scale against that purported
    "virus", which would then actually cause poisonings and also


    Fortunately, this big hoax is being seen through more and more
    by people in many countries. In the USA for instance, rather
    recently as many as three websites based in that country have
    brought excerpts from an English translation of that Stefan
    Lanka interview which I published on 22 February (as a sepa-
    rate article, and also in my UNITE! Info #251en).


    This was, firstly, the "guerilla news network" in the USA,
    with an article on 24.02 by Liam Scheff, who describes him-
    self as a "writer on politics and culture, with a special
    focus on the abuses of big pharma on the american underclass".
    He headlined his excerpts, in which he also improved on my
    translation, "No Panic – Dr. Stephan Lanka on Bird Flu,
    Vaccines, AIDS and the Corruption of Medicine" and wrote i.a.:


    "Is there a bird flu pandemic? German virologist Dr. Stephan
    Lanka says no, and does so in detail. here.

    He makes some points that I’m sure will seem startling, but
    there’s a wonderfully no-nonsense, common-sense approach to
    his thinking (“Think for yourself, look into it yourself”),
    and a refreshing lack of fear-mongering.

    We who have been bombarded with the threat of imminent doom
    from the health authorities will notice the important diffe-
    rence here:

    Lanka isn’t trying to hypnotize you into believing that you
    have no control over your health, biology or being. He’s
    asking that we all think critically and thoughtfully for a

    Secondly and thirdly, Liam Scheff's article and excerpts were
    later repeated by the Philadelphia Independent Media Center
    and by Indymedia-US, both on 12.03.


    Thus it may be hoped that among "ordinary people" in the USA,
    not so few already know that the "bird flu" propaganda is a
    hoax. And this all the more so since this fact had already
    been seen and pointed out earlier by some writers in that
    country. To the US-based Vaccinations mailing list, for in-
    stance, Sheri Nakken on 02.03 posted repeats of some likewise
    very instructive articles, originally of 17.01 and 19.01, by
    Jon Rappoport respectively by him and Jim West, as noted in
    NWBC 112 and 113. These articles I've copied on to my homepage


    "Cutting-edge" and best-informed concerning the imperialists'
    tricks and intentions with their "bird flu" terror hoax are
    still some websites based in Germany, such as "klein-klein-
    aktion" and "Agenda Leben" (for some translated quotes from
    which, see my UNITE! Info #252en), but also from several
    other countries, voices have been heard with doubts about and
    criticisms and refutations of the international "establish-
    ment's" ridiculous fantasy about "bird flu as being spread by
    migrating wild birds" (another instance of which was pre-
    sented only yesterday to people here in Sweden, in the form of
    a double performance in Stockholm of the ballet "The Dying
    Swan" by the ruling swindlers and terrorism supporters in
    this country - "reports" in newspapers DN and SvD).


    Such criticism has appeared in Thailand, for instance, in the
    form of an article in the Bangkok Post on 27.02 (now saved at
    my homepage, and see also my Info #252en), and in Uganda,
    from which country there originates a picture which is quite
    instructive about this whole matter - noted by me yesterday
    in NWBC 130 and 131, and here's a link to it once more:
    "Latest Terrorist Threat".


    It probably cannot be avoided that the ruling imperialists
    will cause considerable damage, economic such at the very
    least, with this terror campaign of theirs, since they have
    at their disposal for this not only their enormous mass media
    resources but also certain groups of people in certain pro-
    fessions, who because of their role in society, in particular
    in the "rich" countries, in their large majority tend to
    accept and support any lie, no matter how absurd, and any
    murderous crime committed on the sly, no matter how atro-
    cious, by those small cliques of ruling imperialists.

    But with knowledge of the basic, scientifically demonstrated
    facts about this "bird flu", which I ask readers to help
    disseminate the information about too, the people in all
    countries at least can minimize that damage. The question of
    joint counterattack against those imperialist cliques, in
    order for the people to get rid of their rule once and for
    all, of course remains very much on the order of the day too.


    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • Nettes Bild aus Uganda zur V-grippeDatum20.03.2006 15:24
    Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Elizabeth, mit der ich in einer Anti-Diskriminierungsgruppe hier in Malmö zusammengearbeitet habe, hat mir eine nette Zeichnung aus ihrem Heimatland Unganda geschickt: "Latest Terrorist Threat". Jetzt auch auf meiner Homepage als,

    und ich habe soeben an verschiedene Newsgroups, Brieflisten un andere Adressen die folgende Meldung geschickt, mit Hinweise auf dieses Bild und auf Textseiten, u.a. "Agenda Leben":

    Image ugandaise: "Bird flu" hoax / Stratégie "grippe aviaire"

    At my homepage I've added today, at its
    section "News with brief comments", the below NWBC 130 in
    English and 131 in French.

    A ma homepage j'ai addé aujourd-hui, à sa
    section "News with brief comments", les suivants NWBC 130 en
    anglais et 131 en français.

    Monday, 20 March 2006 (NWBC 130) An instructive picture from
    Uganda on the "bird flu" propaganda: "Latest Terrorist Threat"


    2006-03-20, 08:57 GMT:

    Thank you, Elizabeth , for
    sending me this very nice picture made in your home country.
    It's now also at my homepage.

    For explanatory texts on the imperialists' present interna-
    tional "bird flu" terror hoax, I recommend readers my "UNITE!
    Infos" #251en and #252en, also the earlier NWBC items 085,
    096, 097, 101 (in French), 102, 105 (in German), 108 (in
    Swedish), 112 and 113, and, for many details, the website
    "Agenda Leben" (in German).



    Lundi 20 mars 2006 (NWBC 131, French) De l'Ugande, une image
    instructive sur la propagande de "grippe aviare": "Latest
    Terrorist Threat"


    2006-03-20, 10:05 GMT:

    Merci, Elizabeth , pour cette
    image très jolie d'origine à votre pays natal que vous m'avez
    envoyé. Elle est maintenant aussi à ma homepage.

    Pour des textes expliquatifs sur la présente stratégie inter-
    nationale de terreur "grippe aviaire" des impérialistes, je
    recommande aux lecteurs mes "UNITE! Infos" #251en et #252en,
    aussi les numéros NWBC anterieurs (dont la plupart également
    en anglais) 085, 096, 097, 101 (en français), 102, 105 (en
    allemand), 108 (en suédois), 112 et 113, et, pour beaucoup des
    détails, la website "Agenda Leben" (en allemand).



    Message envié par /
    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • Neue Medizin NEWSDatum07.03.2006 16:08
    Foren-Beitrag von Rolf M. im Thema Neue Medizin NEWS

    Danke¨nochmals, Jannis, für dein Tipp über dieses Thread.

    Ich habe vor kurzem an das Vogelgrippe-Forum geschickt, und wiederhole das hier:

    Gratuliere, Dr. Hamer!

    Ich habe (erst jetzt) soeben gesehen, auf der English Homepage of the New Medicine, daß Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer am 16. Februar one Bedingungen aus dem Gefängnis entlassen geworden ist. Ich möchte ihm deswegen via diesen Forum

    Diese Entlassung hat unzwifelhaft auch die Möglichkeiten für die Bekämpfung des Vogelgrippe-Terrors verstärkt.

    An verschiedene Usenet-Newsgroups, Brieflisten usw. habe ich folgende Meldung über die Entlassung geschickt (für die "Englisch-sprechende Welt" ist die Sache vielleicht immer noch nicht so bekannt): Dr R. G. Hamer released from prison

    At my homepage I've added today, under "News with brief

    Tuesday, 07 March 2006 (NWBC 116) Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer
    unconditionally released from prison

    2006-03-07, 12:24 GMT:

    As I saw just now when checking out the Official English
    Homepage of the New Medicine, at

    On the New Medicine (Neue Medizin), a theory developed by Dr
    Hamer, which is radically different from "traditional" or
    "school" medicine and which seems to me to be correct, see
    that website and others (mainly in German) linked to under
    "On a (not quite) new theory in medicine" in my Links section.
    At some of those websites you can find information also about
    the persecution of Dr Hamer by forces of the imperialist

    At the New Medicine homepage in English, there's now the
    following message:


    Dear Friends;

    Dr. R.G. Hamer was released from prison unconditionally
    February 16th at 10:00 am. He is now back home in Spain and
    is in very good spirits.

    Dr. Hamer's statement February 17th, 2006:

    Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
    Alhaurin el Grande
    February 17, 2006

    Dear Friend of the New Medicine!
    I have been home since 11.30 last night.
    The psychological torture of approximately 1 ½ years is
    finally behind me.
    There is too much to talk about, at least for now.
    I would like to thank you all, for your support, for staying
    in touch with me and for giving me courage. I often didn’t
    think I would make it out alive from that psychological terror
    hole. I don’t want to describe the details because they would
    be overwhelming and may even cause you fear. Instead, let us
    rejoice that, after 25 years, we can finally prepare for the
    breakthrough of New Medicine.

    More and more people are seeing through official medicine!
    Let’s struggle to save the patients who are being brutally
    “exterminated” by official medicine every day. After all,
    we’re standing together for the most honest thing in the
    world! Our renewed strength and goodwill will help us to

    My heartfelt thanks to all of you who joined to the plea not
    to give up. While I may be out of the dungeon, some 1500
    patients continue to die every day. The New Medicine should
    be there for the wellbeing of each and every patient!

    The crocuses will soon be in bloom!

    Viva la medicina sagrada!

    Ryke Geerd



    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • Gratuliere, Dr. Hamer!Datum07.03.2006 15:55
    Foren-Beitrag von Rolf M. im Thema Gratuliere, Dr. Hamer!

    Danke für dein Tipp über dieses Thread, Jannis!

    Ich bin soeben beim Lesen der beiden Bücher "faktor-L Neue Medizin". Sehr spannend!

    Rolf M.

  • Gratuliere, Dr. Hamer!Datum07.03.2006 15:29
    Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Ich habe (erst jetzt) soeben gesehen, auf der English Homepage of the New Medicine, daß Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer am 16. Februar one Bedingungen aus dem Gefängnis entlassen geworden ist. Ich möchte ihm deswegen via diesen Forum

    Diese Entlassung hat unzwifelhaft auch die Möglichkeiten für die Bekämpfung des Vogelgrippe-Terrors verstärkt.

    An verschiedene Usenet-Newsgroups, Brieflisten usw. habe ich folgende Meldung über die Entlassung geschickt (für die "Englisch-sprechende Welt" ist die Sache vielleicht immer noch nicht so bekannt): Dr R. G. Hamer released from prison

    At my homepage I've added today, under "News with brief

    Tuesday, 07 March 2006 (NWBC 116) Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer
    unconditionally released from prison

    2006-03-07, 12:24 GMT:

    As I saw just now when checking out the Official English
    Homepage of the New Medicine, at

    On the New Medicine (Neue Medizin), a theory developed by Dr
    Hamer, which is radically different from "traditional" or
    "school" medicine and which seems to me to be correct, see
    that website and others (mainly in German) linked to under
    "On a (not quite) new theory in medicine" in my Links section.
    At some of those websites you can find information also about
    the persecution of Dr Hamer by forces of the imperialist

    At the New Medicine homepage in English, there's now the
    following message:


    Dear Friends;

    Dr. R.G. Hamer was released from prison unconditionally
    February 16th at 10:00 am. He is now back home in Spain and
    is in very good spirits.

    Dr. Hamer's statement February 17th, 2006:

    Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
    Alhaurin el Grande
    February 17, 2006

    Dear Friend of the New Medicine!
    I have been home since 11.30 last night.
    The psychological torture of approximately 1 ½ years is
    finally behind me.
    There is too much to talk about, at least for now.
    I would like to thank you all, for your support, for staying
    in touch with me and for giving me courage. I often didn’t
    think I would make it out alive from that psychological terror
    hole. I don’t want to describe the details because they would
    be overwhelming and may even cause you fear. Instead, let us
    rejoice that, after 25 years, we can finally prepare for the
    breakthrough of New Medicine.

    More and more people are seeing through official medicine!
    Let’s struggle to save the patients who are being brutally
    “exterminated” by official medicine every day. After all,
    we’re standing together for the most honest thing in the
    world! Our renewed strength and goodwill will help us to

    My heartfelt thanks to all of you who joined to the plea not
    to give up. While I may be out of the dungeon, some 1500
    patients continue to die every day. The New Medicine should
    be there for the wellbeing of each and every patient!

    The crocuses will soon be in bloom!

    Viva la medicina sagrada!

    Ryke Geerd



    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Jetzt an mehreren Adressen geschickt - neue Informationen, die mir wichtig scheinen und die die klein-klein-Analyse auch bestätigen: Jon Rappoport & Jim West on "bird flu"

    At my homepage I've added today item 113 at its section "News
    with brief comments" and an article linked to from it, by Jon
    Rappoport on 19.01.2006: "Has Jim West turned conventional
    knowledge about bird flu upside down?". Both follow below.

    Saturday, 04 March 2006 (NWBC 113) A message at the
    Vaccinations list: "Has Jim West turned conventional knowledge
    about bird flu upside down?"


    2006-03-04, 08:25 GMT: Thanks again, Sheri Nakken. The
    article, originally by Jon Rappoport on 19.01.2006, is now at
    my homepage too.


    A message at the Vaccinations mailing list,


    From: Sheri Nakken
    Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2006 22:03:45 +0000

    Release Date 2006-01-19
    Time 08:28:00

    Article Text
    JANUARY 19, 2006. Buckle up for this one. It's big. Very big.


    For a couple of years, I've been aware of Jim's highly
    original work. He found some very compelling correlations
    between air pollution and birds dying of so-called West Nile
    disease. In other words, the unproven idea of a virus doing
    damage was replaced with a much more down-to-earth and visible
    conclusion. Jim did that investigative work.

    Jim has now ventured into the bizarre world of bird flu.

    He goes where other journalists don't.

    He has perspectives that other people don't think about.

    In a half-sane world, Jim would be accorded much praise and
    significant rewards.

    Here, I'm going to print major excerpts from his recent emails
    on the subject of bird flu in Turkey. (The H5N1 bird flu virus
    is being blamed for the deaths of several children there, and
    for perhaps 20 other human cases in that country.)

    As I've pointed out, the actual blood tests on those children
    are opaque. We don't know how the tests were done by the
    hospital in Van, Turkey, or the World Health Organization
    (WHO) in England. I've been trying vainly to get very specific
    information from WHO.

    From here on, these are the words of Jim West. I make comments
    in caps and brackets.


    1) At the same time that "bird flu" hit Turkey, Turkey had let
    2,000,000 children out of the schools due to overwhelming

    Similarities are here, for H5N1, West Nile, SARS -- and air
    pollution. West Nile was a "bird flu", "a flu-like disease",
    killing avians massively. [IN OTHER WORDS, RESEARCHERS HAVE

    Turkey and Iran are polluted by mining and petro-chemical
    industries. Iraq is also at the epidemic intersection, but I
    hadn't time to look for industry there. [THE AREA OF TURKEY

    2) H5N1 stock virus. Independent investigation is difficult or
    impossible due to Patriot Act and Homeland Security laws.

    -Jim West (polio and persistent pesticides) (wnv and air pollution) (SARS and air

    So that's Jim's first email. I highly recommend these sites he
    lists, to get more of his information on so-called viral
    diseases and the actual connection to major air pollution.

    Here is Jim's next email:

    Yes, "Bird Flu" doesn't make sense -- but because the virology
    is institutionalized panic that enables non-democratic
    programs, and propaganda rituals, which protect industrial

    Bird Flu isn't actually viropathological. The fundamental
    virus science, e.g., data about the stock virus, is blocked
    from independent review by the Patriot Act and Homeland
    Security laws. (See on CDC website, the "Select Agents
    Program"). Official rationale: "Bird Flu" (H5N1) is a
    terrorist's tool...

    A previous "bird flu" epidemic was called called West Nile
    virus. My study found that to be massive air pollution. This
    was published in Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients
    (2000), and reviewed positively by ABC's Nicholas Regush
    (8/2001). Regush then interviewed the major scientists, who
    became apologetic.

    Another previous Southeast Asian "flu" (which is now not being
    diagnosed enthusiastically, with Toronto's chief epidemio-
    logist calling WHO's actions "bullshit") is called SARS, and
    that is evidently, per my review of evidence, air pollution:
    My review was published by Weston A. Price, and is online: Six months
    later, a UCLA study in Environmental Health confirmed an
    association of SARS mortality with air pollution.

    Regarding migratory birds in Africa...if there is no "bird
    flu" epidemic among the migratory birds of Africa, then what
    are those birds dying of? There has been huge mortality of
    African migratory birds recognized during recent years...

    ...several years ago, I found that migratory geese in New
    Jersey were being diagnosed for "an unknown pathogen" in the
    highly polluted Brigantine Park, a crossroads for air
    effluents by DuPont, Exxon, and others. The first clinical
    step for that bird epidemic was to have toxicology "ruled
    out". Those geese were literally falling dead out of the sky.
    Dr. Roscoe was New Jersey's avian clinician. His mentor was
    Ward Stone, NYS DEC avian pathologist. [RESEARCHERS IGNORED

    So that's a toxicological lens through which we can view
    today's "bird flu".

    -Jim West (polio critique) (West Nile virus critique) (SARS

    That's Jim West's second email. Here is his next one:


    Here are, following my other email to you, URL links regarding
    Turkey and smog, with schools being closed, 2,000,000

    In case some people think that the recent victims of bird flu
    in Turkey are environmentally safe, here are some search
    results for the area of Van, Turkey, which [is] on the Iran

    Eastern Turkey and the adjoining NW Iran are mining and
    petrochemical regions.

    Respiratory disease is rampant in these regions.

    Recent air pollution epidemic forced Teheran school closings
    "...we set off early for Bostan Anbad 63km away, the early
    morning air pollution left me gasping and wheezing..." [nw
    iran, region of Turkey/Iran border and not far enough from
    Van, Turkey]
    Kilice, F (1999). Investigation of Toxic Heavy Metals
    Pollution in the Road Dust at the Centre of Van Turkey.
    Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science 18c, 1-4.
    More than 1,600 people have been taken to hospitals in Tehran
    as pollution in the Iranian capital reaches critical levels,
    health officials have said. [REMEMBER, THE AREA OF TURKEY

    Hospitals have reported...

    Tehran has been suffering from severe smog since the beginning
    of December.
    [This link I could not get to work - RM, 04.03.2006]
    B Respiratory Pollution in Tehran 'kills 100.' More than 100
    people have died after pollution in Tehran reached critical
    levels, health officials said. BBC, UK. 10 December 2005.
    Two million school children have been given an unexpected day
    off. The authorities have advised children, the elderly and
    people suffering from heart and lung disease to stay indoors.
    [I couldn't make this link work. Problem perhaps at my end.
    - RM, 04.03.2006]
    "Mineral activities means exploration and extracting both have
    caused environmental pollution specially in northern Iran..."
    Meanwhile, new bird flu cases in fowl were detected in five
    areas in eastern and southeastern Turkey and authorities have
    culled 7,000 fowl in those areas, Agriculture Minister Mehdi
    Eker said Thursday.

    In Istanbul, the biggest city in Turkey, authorities imme-
    diately took four pigeons, found dead near a mosque, to a lab
    for bird flu tests and sprayed the area with disinfectants,
    the municipality said in a statement late Thursday, the
    Anatolia news agency reported early Friday...


    Okay, so those are Jim West's emails. We can see that very
    serious chemical pollution exists in the air in certain areas
    of Turkey and adjoining Iran. This is being ignored in
    studying the deaths of the several children there, and is
    ignored in other cases of sickness as well. And this pollution
    is also being ignored in studying the deaths of birds.

    Why? Well, who benefits from this diversion away from the

    The people who own and operate the industries that are
    poisoning the air.

    To take this further, I personally find it very hard to
    believe that, in an area of extreme pollution, where
    RESPIRATORY DISEASE is the key condition, three children who
    are sick are suddenly "checked for bird flu." Among many cases
    of chemically caused respiratory distress in the region, all
    of a sudden there is going to be an investigation of bird flu?

    I believe this is part of a larger agenda, one which I've
    described in earlier articles. Remember, Turkey is being cited
    as the first country outside of Asia where "bird flu has
    jumped." "Now, Europe is being threatened." Those who want
    this fake viral epidemic to be more frightening consider
    Turkey a major advance in their propaganda program.


    Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath
    Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA
    & Wales UK
    Vaccines -


    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Jetzt an mehreren Adressen geschickt - neue Informationen, die mir wichtig scheinen und die die klein-klein-Analyse auch bestätigen: Jon Rappoport on the bird-flu hoax

    At my homepage I've added today item 112 at its section "News
    with brief comments" and an article linked to from it, by Jon
    Rappoport on 17.01.2006: "Continued analysis of the bird-flu
    hoax". Both follow below.

    Saturday, 04 March 2006 (NWBC 112) A message at the
    Vaccinations list: "Continuing analysis of the bird-flu hoax"


    2006-03-04, 06:56 GMT: Thank you for this, Sheri Nakken. The
    article, originally by Jon Rappoport on 17.01.2006, is now at
    my homepage too.


    A message at the Vaccinations mailing list,


    From: Sheri Nakken
    Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2006 22:03:06 +0000
    Subject: repeat CONTINUING ANALYSIS OF

    Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 10:26 PM

    JANUARY 5, 2006. Today, press reports from various agencies
    around the world are headlined, DEATH FROM BIRD FLU.

    The articles concern two children in the same family, in
    Turkey, who have just died.

    For example, here is a brief piece from AFX:

    Turkey reports second death from bird flu
    UPDATE 01.05.2006, 02:26 AM

    ANKARA (AFX) - A second person has died from bird flu at a
    hospital in eastern Turkey, a doctor there said.

    The victim was a sister of a 14-year-old boy who died of bird
    flu Sunday in the same hospital in the town of Van, the
    doctor, Ahmet Faik Oner, was quoted as saying by the Anatolia
    news agency.

    end AFX report

    Two human deaths. Same family. Bird flu. The doctor said.

    Reuters has filed several pieces on the two children dying in
    Turkey. One headline suggests that bird flu, the H5N1 virus,
    is to blame.

    However, reading down in two relevant Reuters stories I found,
    there are comments from a World Health Organization (WHO)
    official. The tests for bird flu in the children have not been
    confirmed by WHO. In other words, no one really knows whether
    the initial diagnosis of human bird flu was accurate.

    Furthermore, the WHO official states, no one knows what type
    of diagnostic test was done in Turkey.

    On the basis of this ignorance, the press has nevertheless
    taken off with the story and the impression given is: H5N1,
    bird flu, has killed two children.

    Now, even if that were the only error, we would have a ridi-
    culous state of affairs, called JUMPING THE GUN.

    But there is more.

    The samples of blood from the children are being sent to a WHO
    lab in the UK, where the final determination will be made.
    That may sound kosher, but it isn't. Based on past performance
    ( SARS is a perfect example), WHO will make its finding,
    announce it, and then no other labs outside the WHO sphere
    will actually have a look at the blood samples or the WHO

    Needless to say, this is not how science is done.

    Here is another layer: as I've found through a search of past
    articles from Asia during the "bird flu crisis," it is routine
    to test both humans and animals for H5N1 by conducting an
    examination of antibodies.

    What does this mean? The presence of antibodies (scouts for
    the immune system) is a traditional sign that the person or
    animal is HEALTHY and has resisted the germ in question.
    However, since the early 1980s, this science has been turned
    on its head. Suddenly, antibodies were being taken as evidence
    of illness or coming illness.

    Since then, we have had literally millions of false diagnoses
    of diseases, based on a misinterpretation of the meaning of

    Will WHO test the blood of these two young Turkish children
    for antibodies? It's possible we'll never know.

    But in the best-case scenario, let us suppose that WHO
    searches for the actual H5N1 virus (rather than the anti-
    bodies). How will that be done?

    There is a good chance some form of "amplification" will be
    used. The PCR test is the primary method. Extremely tiny
    amounts of genetic material found in the blood of these two
    children will be "blown up" so that they can be recognized.
    Let's imagine that this is what WHO will do. And let's further
    suppose that, after the amplification, WHO scientists will
    say, "Yes, this genetic material we found is actually from

    Bird flu.

    Yes, but that's not the end of it. Why, in the first place,
    did they need that PCR test? Because they found SO LITTLE
    material of any kind that could be thought to be part of a

    In a sense, they admitted they couldn't find gigantic amounts
    of H5N1, so they had to go to this extraordinary length to
    find anything they could call H5N1.

    That raises a major problem. Every reasonable disease re-
    searcher in the world (and here I'm talking about conventional
    researchers) knows that, in order to say a particular germ is
    implicated in illness, you have to find HUGE NUMBERS OF THOSE

    That's the way it works.

    Therefore, a positive PCR test proves nothing. It, in fact,
    suggests that the germ in question had nothing to do with why
    the person was sick or died.

    None of these critical factors are being discussed in the
    mainstream press, and very few alternative outlets are
    grasping them, either.

    On top of all of this, no one is providing or alluding to
    medical histories of the two Turkish children. Had they been
    ill previously? Were they badly malnourished? Had they been
    receiving (toxic) drugs dispensed by doctors? Were they living
    in a situation where sanitation was endemically bad? Had they
    been exposed to non-pharmaceutical toxic chemicals in their
    environment? Pesticides used on nearby chicken farms? In-
    dustrial waste?

    After arriving at the hospital shortly before their deaths,
    were they treated with toxic medicines? Was the hospital
    prone to the spread of infection in-house?

    The issues I'm raising in this article are not at all
    esoteric. They are quite basic.

    But the press does not have the time or the inclination to
    examine them. Too busy spreading fear about an oncoming
    "pandemic" that, at the most, has killed 70 people globally
    over the last two-plus years.

    And when I say "at the most," I mean it. Because no one has
    released, in one place, the EXACT tests run (and the ensuing
    analysis) on those 70 people. So we have no idea how or why
    they died.

    It's interesting to note that, at last count, the 2006 US
    Defense Appropriations Bill sets aside 3.8 billion dollars for
    "flu preparedness." They are talking about bird flu.

    3.8 billion dollars.

    In my many articles on the subject of imagination, I frequent-
    ly ask the question, do you want someone else to imagine the
    world for you, or do you want to use your own creative power
    to invent your world?

    As you can see, bird flu is an excellent example of other
    people imagining the world for you.

    Here is the hook they use. They get you, through constant
    pounding on the same theme in the press, to ask yourself the
    question, "But what if they're right? What if we are on the
    brink of worldwide decimation from H5N1?"

    Once you seriously entertain and mull over and digest and
    ponder that question, they've got you. They own you.

    You may as well be asking yourself, "What if someone on the
    edge of the Milky Way blows his nose, and a germ we've never
    encountered drifts all the way to Hong Kong or Capetown?"

    What if the sun yawns, feels bored, and shuts down tomorrow?


    Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath
    Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA
    & Wales UK
    Vaccines -


    Message posted by:
    Rolf Martens
    Malmö, Sweden
    Phone and fax:
    +46 - 40 - 124832;

  • Cui bono?Datum02.03.2006 14:28
    Foren-Beitrag von Rolf M. im Thema Cui bono?

    Nein, diese Sache mit "Riems" ist ja nur ein "Kontrapunkt"-Trick, um mit dem Gerücht, ein H5N1 sei absichtlich hergestellt worden, eben dasselbe zu bewirken, was die "ganz offizielle" Propaganda versucht:

    Daß Leute glauben, daß es wirklich einen "Virus H5N1" gibt, und "passend" Angst davor bekommen.

    Dasselbe wurde auch längst mit dem ebenfalls fiktiven "HIV" versucht.

    Darüber klärte auch Stefan Lanka auf, in dem Newsletter von 24.02.2005.

    U.a. dies zitierte ich in Übersetzung in meiner 'UNITE! Info #252en: "klein-klein" and Bangkok Post on "bird flu"', vom 28.02 - siehe meine Homepage.

    Rolf M.

  • Thema von Rolf M. im Forum Spezial-Forum: Die Vog...

    Wie ihr wohl bereits im Fernsehen und in den Zeitungen gehört/gelesen habt.

    Hier bei uns sind die Entsprechenden jetzt auch ziemlich voll davon.

    Die angeblich H5N1-tragenden 2 wilden Vögel wurden am 28.02 gemeldet, übrigens am gleichen Tag, an dem daß einen Artikel veröffentlichte, auf meiner Homepage und durch Versendung an mehreren Usenet-Newsgroups, Brieflisten und individuellen E-Adressen:

    'UNITE! Info #252en: "klein-klein" and Bangkok Post on "bird flu"'.

    Er enthält, nach einer politischen Vorbemerkung, einige übersetze Zitate aus euren Newsletters vom 24.02.2006 und 25.02.2006. Ein zitierter Artikel der Bangkok Post vom 27.02 enthielt Informationen darüber, genauer wo in verschiedenen Ländern es in der letzten Zeit "Vogelgrippe" gab - nicht
    dort, wohin wilde Vögel gewandert hatten, sondern bei größeren Geflügel-Farms. Bestätigte also das, was Stefan Lanka in seinem bekannten Interview am 27.10.2005 über die wirklichen Ursachen der "Vogelgrippe" sagte.

    Auf Schwedisch kommentierte ich die hiesige Entenlandung mit einer Überschrift "Fågelflunse-ankan har landat!" und weiter u.a. der Bemerkung, daß es sich eben um eine große und fette Massenmedien-Ente, "un canard très sauvage", "a very savage canard", handelte, mitsamt einem Versuch, über die
    wirklichen Hintergründe etwas aufzuklären, und Hinweise u.a. an Artikel der klein-klein. Siehe meine Seite "News with brief comments", NWBC 108 (Swedish).

    Das Interview mit Stefan Lanka am 27.10.2005 gibt es in meinem #251en (vom 22.02) auf Englisch, wie ich bereits unter "Versuche jetzt, eure Informationen weiterzuverbreiten" geschrieben habe.

    Wie ich gerade jetzt gesehen habe, ist das hiesige zuständige Labor, die SVA (Statens Veterinärmedicinska Anstalt) in Uppsala, ähnlich wie das bekannte Labor in Weybridge, UK, ein ackreditiertes “OIE Reference Laboratory for the Application of Polymerase Chain Reaction Methods for Diagnosis of Viral Diseases in Veterinary Medicine”.

    Dorthin kann man also auch schreiben, um nach Fotos von isolierten Viren H5N1 usw. zu fragen.

    Adresse usw.:

    Statens Veterinärmedicinska Anstalt
    SE - 751 89 UPPSALA,
    Tel: +46 - 18 - 67 40 00
    Fax: +46 - 18 - 30 91 62

    In einer "Informations"schrift auf Schwedisch, Adresse,
    wird 6-Mal behauptet, verschiedene Grippenviren bzw Vogelviren seien "isoliert" geworden - "erstmals 1931".

    Indirekt kann man an einer Stelle sehen, daß möglicherweise damit "eigentlich nur gemeint" ist, daß man mit PCR-Technik irgend irgendetwas vermehrt hat, das man danach "als Viren festgestellt" hat, also keine wirkliche Isolation. Aber so wie das in dieser Schrift ausgedrückt wird, eben daß man direkt "isoliert" hat, ist das trotzdem eine klare Lüge.

    Mal sehen, ob ich meinerseits später nicht dahinschreibe (für internationaler Durchsicht wohl am Besten auf Englisch, und bei glechzeitiger Veröffentlichung) und nach Elektronenmikroskop-Fotos von diesem "H5N1" usw. frage.

    Jetzt haben wir immerhin auch hier in Schweden von der vieljährigen Arbeit der "klein-klein" großen Nutzen. Danke!

    Rolf M.

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